Race for 7th Ward Alderman

Incumbent reelected

The 7th Ward includes all or parts of South Shore, South Chicago, The Bush, Jeffrey Manor, Calumet Heights, Pill Hill and South Shore. Ald. Gregory Mitchell is running for a second term against two challengers — Jedidiah Brown and Charles Kyle. Brown is perhaps best known for crashing the stage at then-candidate and now President Donald Trump’s aborted rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago in March 2016. Kyle founded Exchange Ideas, a community discussion forum in the South Shore community. Some ward residents are hopeful — while others are fearful — that the economic growth triggered by the Obama Presidential Center will translate into progress on long-stagnant commercial and residential development efforts.

Mitchell faces Charles Kyle, a youth agency program director, and activist Jedidiah Brown, who has fought against police brutality.


To win, candidates must receive more than 50 percent of the vote. If no candidate reaches that threshold, the top two candidates will advance to a run off on April 2.

Percentages are based on the available ballots tallied by the Chicago Board of Elections. Percentages listed do not indicate a winner until all ballots are counted.

Source: Chicago Board of Elections. Results are unofficial until certified on March 13.

Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 12:50 PM

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